“A little girl sits in her classroom... language lecture hour... she is engrossed imaging... Ah! Those phrases so beautifully composed ... relishing every word so aptly out in place... she feels on top of the world...
her eyes travel and she sees a small yellow butterfly on the fresh green of outside... this fresh green has just been washed by the showers... she can smell the greens without stepping out...
The eyes are experiencing and enjoying the visuals and the ears are relishing the poetry at this moment... both experiences fighting for minds attention... and it is oscillating between two... it wishes to leave nothing....
The facet of mind relishing the green questions... who is that which is listening to poetry... and the poetry listener facet is asking who is that looking at the green..”
There is a very famous Yogic kriya called “Antarmaun” one of these days we can sit and do that to understand this multiplicity of mind...
I look at myself... I look at my own mind’s action ... I am multi faceted yet I am different and unaffected by this I who is multifaceted...